Term 6 Clubs
Lunchtime Boxercise- all year groups
Afterschool sports club KS1 3:30pm -4:30pm
After school sports club KS2 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Mash up ensemble- run by Lincolnshire Music Service (held at KGGS for children who play an instrument. Transport will be provided).
Reading Club Years 1 and 2
Lunchtime construction club- all year groups
Discovery Club - A taster of a different sport every week. years 2-6 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Netball Club years 3-6 3:30pm-4:30pm
Lunchtime Football- Years 5 and 6
Please email the office or write a note to give permission for your child to remain after school to attend a club.