Home Page


Welcome to Reception's Page!

Our EYFS group in Class 1

This term we will be focussing on our essential question which is:

'What is your favourite endangered animal?'

We will be learning all about endangered animals, where they live and also some facts about them. We will also get the chance to see some with our own eyes when we visit the Woodside Wildlife Park in Lincoln.

Look out on Tapestry for the latest photographs for this term.

We will see you all soon,

Miss Pulfrey, Mr. D and Mrs Payne smiley

Welcome to our Reception class page. Here you can see pictures of our learning environment and our learning journey so far. 


This term our essential question is:

'Who makes Britain great?' 


We are excited to have lots of visitors coming in to see us and shall be celebrating our learning with a tea party at the end of term. 


Please keep up-to-date with this page, but also your child's Tapestry page!


We hope that you enjoy looking at our learning and seeing all of the exciting things that we do.


See you soon,


Miss Pulfrey, Mrs Payne & Mr. Dodsworth smiley

SNOW DAY 19.11.2024

Use the link below to follow a phonics session.



Children in Need 2024

Talk for Writing- The little Red Hen

Turn taking with our friends

Exploring the local area

Expressive arts

People who help us.

My Family
