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Vision and Values

Our School Vision


As church schools we strive to embed all our teaching and learning within a Christian ethos. We use a set of daily values .


These values are:

 1:   Be ProactiveYou can be the agent of change in the world

 2:   Begin With the End in Mind  • Think about the 'whole picture', what would you like to achieve?

 3:   Put First Things FirstStart with the important things which will leave room for play

 4:   Think Win-WinFind solutions to problems and compromise

 5:   Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood   • Listen carefully to what people are trying to communicate to you and try to understand their point of view before offering your opinion or advice.

 6:   SynergizeWork together - two heads are better than one.

 7:   Sharpen the SawFind ways to look after your body, mind and spirit so that you can help others.


Can you use these values in your life?
