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Class 1

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Early Years, Year 1 and Year 2


Summer Term 2024


Welcome back to the final term of the year. I cannot believe that this is it . . . the sun is shining (most of the time) and we are working our way to the end of reception, year 1 and year 2. It will be a fun filled term with walks and lots of outside activities as our project title it 'How do living things survive?'


PE will be on a Thursday for KS1 and Friday for everyone. Please ensure you have your kit with you. We will also be having a visiting teacher with us, Mrs. Cheevers. She is training to be a teacher and so will be teaching KS1 children for some of the term.


Any questions, please let us know.


Mr. D, Miss Pulfrey and Mrs Green smiley

For our science learning, we have been identifying plants that are in our local environment. It was great to see different types of flowers and trees. 🌳 

We looked at different parts of plants and their features. We created a picture of a plant and labelled its features along with the job that it does! They are interesting living things with roots, a stem, leaves and petals. All of these features help to keep the plants and flowers alive and give them food. 🌺 

Our year 1 children have been comparing numbers with the same amount of 10s. We played a game with a partner to make a number and then use the correct symbol to compare the numbers to say if the number was less that (<), greater than (>) or equal to (=). We were very good at the game. 🧮 

To continue our science learning, we set up an investigation to see what happens when a seed begins to grow. We set up some bags with a broad bean seed in them. We will watch them over the next few weeks to see what happens as the seeds begins to grow. 🌱 

KS1 Computing

We began our computing unit by reminding ourselves about logging in. We supported each other to sign into Purple Mash and to change our avatar picture. We could choose from lots of features for our face! 💻 

Roots to Food (Whole Class)

The annual Roots to Food visit from Chef Darren happened this week! We made some tasty Singapore Chicken Noodles . . . we chopped, marinated, mixed, stirred and cooked the ingredients to make the delicious dish. Look out for the recipe on our class page soon. It was brilliant to see the whole class working together to make the food. It was even better to get to taste them at the end of the session. YUMMY! 🍜 

Singapore Noodles

We spent the day at Harlaxton learning all about the Hindu festival called ‘Holi’. It was a fantastic day filled with eating lovely food, dressing in colourful costumes and making pretty rangoli patterns. What an awesome day! 🕉️

Science (KS1)

We took our sunflowers outside and planted them in the flowerbed at the front of school look out for them as you come into school! We wonder how well they will grow. 🌱

T4W (KS1)

We came into school and found some very strange objects and creatures. We also found a letter from someone asking us to read and create some explanation texts about the life cycle of something. How fun! 🐸

Computing (KS1)

We created some avatars for our Purple Mash account. We also looked at internet safety and the reason we have an avatar. We must stay safe online and not share too much information about ourselves. 🐵

Science (KS1)

We went on a bug hunt to see how many living things we could find in a certain part of the school field. The area we chose is called a ‘micro habitat’. A habitat is the place something lives, so a ‘micro habitat’ is a smaller area to focus on. We collected data and then presented it in a tally chart and also a block graph. 📊

We have been learning about thankfulness and how different people express gratitude. We looked at the festival of Sukkot and how Jewish people celebrate it. We learnt that they make a Sukkah (a shelter) and eat bread dipped in honey. We also discovered that it is celebrated to say thanks for God for helping their ancestors. 🔯🕍

Computing (KS1)

As part of our computing learning, we have been looking at spreadsheets. We have created a spreadsheet using ‘2Calculate’ on Purple Mash. We then looked at using the ‘cut’, ‘copy’ and ‘paste’ features to move some of the cells around. We also used the ‘total’ feature to create calculations on the spreadsheet. It was lots of fun! 📊

Spring Term 2024


Hello and welcome back to school! And HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all. It is exciting to be back in 2024 and to hear all about your Christmas holiday.


This term, we shall be completing our learning through our essential question 'Where will an adventure take you?' Through this we will be see what it takes to go on an adventure, with our KS1 children having the chance to have an adventure day at school. It is an exciting (but shorter) term with lots of things happening.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Class 1 team.


Many thanks,


Mr. D, Miss Pulfrey, Mrs Green and Miss Leadenham smiley

'Where will an adventure take you?'

Understanding the World (EYFS)

Our early years children have been exploring ice and how long it takes it to melt. It was great to explore this first hand to make observations of our own.

Design and Technology (KS1)

In DT, we have been given the mission of deigning and making an explorer’s buggy. We have explored how vehicles work and their features. We named the axel, the chassis and the wheels.

Science (KS1)

In our science work, we have been naming body parts and thinking about how they work.

English (KS1)

For our T4W learning we have explored setting descriptions. We looked at a photograph for Atlantis and were given a setting description for it. We identified some of the GaPS targets within the text.

Physical Education (Whole Class)

In PE, we have been exploring gymnastic ps and the shapes our body can make. We created all sorts of shapes.


We have been looking at the communities that we belong to in our PSHE work. It’s interesting to see how many groups we all belong to . . . some of us even belong to the same ones.

Design and Technology (KS1)

As part of our vehicle creations, we have explored strengthening and stiffening the materials that we are going to use. It’s amazing how much weight some materials can carry!

Science (KS1)

We have explored our senses in our science work and the parts of our body that use them. We explored the cold weather to know how we feel or touch. We also explored our sight, hearing and even our sense of taste.

Physical Education (Whole class)

This week we have been exploring movements during our PE session. We because different animals and travelled around the jungle, facing different obstacles along the way.

English (KS1)

In our English work, KS1 have been learning a new recount text about Dougal’s Deep-Sea Adventure.

Physical Education (Whole Class)

We have been completing some yoga sessions during our PE sessions on a Friday. It has been been good to warm and cool down from our sessions in a calm way.

Design & Technology (DT)

We have been designing and making some vehicles in DT. It has been fun to try different ways of strengthening structures and then making a vehicle.

Science (KS1)

As part of our science learning, we have been exploring the effects of doing sports has on our body. We timed ourselves completing a task for 1 minute and saw what happened to our body.

Maths (KS1)

It has been fun to work together to find our number bonds to 20 using our number bonds to 10.

We looked around our environments to find different ways that we use technology. It’s interesting to see how technology helps us to perform different tasks.

Religious Education (KS1)

We have looked at the story from bible called ‘The Good Samaritan’. We then thought about how we could be a Good Samaritan in everyday life, acting out different situations when we could help someone in need.

Children’s Mental Health Week 2024. PSHE/PSED (Whole Class)

As part of our learning in PSHE/PSED and as part of Children’s Mental Health Week 2024, we had an author session with Caryl Hart and illustrator Zoe Waring about their new book ‘I am Brave’. The children got to hear the author read the book out loud to an audience for the first time! How exciting! 

Science (KS1)

In our science work, we were using our senses to be food detectives. We explored various foods that are good for you and about different sugar. Did you know that fruits have sugar in them that is not counted towards our sugar intake?

Science (KS1)

We explored using our senses when we taste healthy food. We found out that sugar is in most pieces of food that we eat . . . some sugar is good for us.

PE (Whole class)

We have been exploring travelling in our gymnastics sessions. It was fun to roll in different ways.

Our year 1 children have been working hard to add and subtract numbers between 10 and 20. We have played lots of practical games to help us to learn.

Science (KS1)

We set up an investigation to look at the importance of washing our hands. In this investigation, we placed bread slices into sandwich bags. One piece of bread was placed in without our washing of hands. We then washed our hands (using soap!) and then placed the other piece of bread into the bag. It will be interesting to see what happens.

As part of our design and technology work, we have been designing and making some exploration buggies for an explorer. It has been good fun to try out our designs and then improve them.

Talk 4 Writing (KS1)

We found a kite and a penguin in the tree on the playground. There was also a book called ‘Blown Away’. We have been learning the text as part of our English work.

Building on from our bread investigation, we explored the effects of soap. In this investigation, we looked at why it is important that soap is used when we wash our hands. We dipped our finger into a bowl with pepper on top of some water. We then put some soap on our hands and the pepper moved away from our finger, keeping it clean. This shows us that the soap acts as a barrier to germs and helps to keep us safe.

We have been creating some e-books in our computing learning. We used the Purple Mash app ‘2create a story’. We started by creating a character first, then adding a background and animation to it. The final step has been to add on some sounds. It’s been really fun to create these stories. We might use this app to write or create stories in the future.

World Book Day 2024

As part of our World Book Day celebrations, we got to meet and speak to a real author. We have had an online session with her before, but today we got to ask questions and speak to her directly. Her name is Caryl Hart and she has written many of the books that we have been reading in school. This includes the story ‘Together We Can’ which is our schools’s vision. She has been our focus author of the month for February. It was great to speak to her and to ask her all about her writing and her life. She is brilliant and a great author too. If you want to explore more of her work, please visit her website (see the link below!) You can even buy a book from her and have it signed by her!

World Book Day 2024

We have had another author session with an illustrator this time - Raahat Kaduji who has created the pictures for the book ‘I’m not sleepy!’ She explored the book with us and showed us how to draw some drawings like the ones in the book.

World Book Day Poems 2024

Still image for this video
We have been learning some poems as part of our celebration of World Book Day. Look on the video pages to see all of our videos. The page is here:

This is the one from our EYFS children. Well done.

In PE, we have begun to learn about net and wall games. We started by looking at keeping score in games and also how to defend a goal. Then we looked at using a racket and exploring our skills using them. It has been fun to play games with others using rackets.

Autumn Term 2023


Hello everyone! smiley  Welcome to class 1 here at Denton C of E School. I hope that you have all had a lovely summer holiday and enjoyed the sunshine! It is a real pleasure to welcome our new reception children into our class and to see you all on your journey through school.


Our PE sessions will happen on a Friday for the whole class (both KS1 and EYFS children). KS1 will also have a PE session on a Thursday, just by themselves. Please make sure that PE kits are in school and that earrings are removed. You could bring the PE kit on a Monday and leave it here until Friday (if you so wish!)


Our project work this term is titled 'What wonders lie within the enchanted wood?' Through this project we will be learning about nature and looking at our local environment. Our reception children will enjoy learning through play within all of the areas of their side of the classroom.


We will have a couple of events that will happen this term; an exciting woodland walk planned, an exhibition of our work and the chance to make some sandwiches. We will let you know nearer the time of the details for these.


Let's make this year the best that we can!


If you have any questions, please feel free to catch a member of the class 1 team.


See you soon,


Mr. Dodsworth, Miss Pulfrey, Mrs Green and Miss Leadenham smiley

'What wonders lie within the enchanted woods?'

EYFS Maths and Phonics Evening 2023

Thank you to those parents who visited Harlaxton C of E Primary. It was great to see so many of you there for it.

Here, you will find a copy of the presentation that Mrs Coupland (Maths lead) and Mr Dodsworth (Phonics leader) gave to those parents. We have also put the link tot he maths video onto this page too.

We hope you find them interesting.

Class 1 have taken part in some wonderful Christmas activities including singing in Appletree's care home, carols in Belvoir castle, a wonderful nativity and a Christmas lunch with the whole school served by staff. Thank you to the PTA for the generous gifts and crackers. We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year. 

Maths (KS1)

We have been learning a lot about place value and addition and subtraction this term. We have loved the practical activities!

International Day of Democracy 2023 (KS1)

Our key stage 1 children celebrated the International Day of Democracy 2023 voting to decide our School Councillors this year. It was good fun to see how democracy works first hand.


We explored different emotions in our PSHE sessions. We looked at what they looked like physically as well as how they make you feel.

Computing (KS1)

We have been exploring giving directions and the importance of algorithms. Algorithms are very specific instructions which computers and technology follow to complete a task.

Music (KS1)

We have been exploring pitch - including high and low pitch. We sang a song about a little egret and a crab. The egret sang in a high pitch because it flies in the sky and the crab sang in a low pitch because it crawled along the sand.

Religious Education (KS1)

As part of our RE learning, we have explored stories from the Bible. We conducted a Bible study of the story ‘Noah’s Ark’. We retold the story and produced some artwork and ark structures. It was good fun to explore this story and it’s important message for Christians around the world.

Harvest Festival

We celebrated harvest by making a scarecrow and some harvest decorations. We shared them with parents at the harvest service, alongside some of the scarecrow poems that we wrote.

In years, 1 and 2 we have been learning about plants and their features. We had the chance to dissect a plant and fins some of the features - including the roots, the leaves, the flower and the stem.

PE (KS1)

In PE, we have been exploring jumping, hopping and skipping. We really enjoyed our sessions when we could put all of these moves together!

Dentist Visit (Early Years and Year 1)

We had a fantastic visit from Alex at the dentist. She came to visit us to talk about how important it is to look after our teeth! We even got a little mirror like the dentist has!

As much as we have not used the computers and iPads, we have been exploring instructions and how they are important to be specific- with things like colour and size important enough to be in the instructions themselves! Algorithms need specific instructions to work correctly. We because computers for the afternoon - a room full of robots.

In our PE sessions, we have been looking at different ball skills - kicking, throwing and dribbling. We practiced throwing a ball and our skills of throwing independently and with a partner.

Geography (KS1)

Before the rain came, we went on a short walk around the village to look for street signs and names. One of our Y2 children acted as photographer today. They got some great photos!


In PSHE we explored peer pressure and role played various situations that might happen. We explored positive peer pressure and negative peer pressure. Our acting skills were very good!

Our KS1 children have designed and made their sandwiches for our woodland walk. They were very tasty!

We went for a walk in Wyville Woods. It was very fun. We saw tracks from Sneezy the Dragon and helped him to organise the fairy village.

We investigated cress plants and set an investigation to grow some cress in different environments. We put one set in the dark and one in the window sill.

Computing (KS1)

Using Purple Mash, the children have been creating a programme on 2Code. It was fun to learn about the events, the objects and the actions. They even had chance to design and make their own code.

KS1 have been learning about artist Andy Goldsworthy. We looked for some items that we could use to create artwork and then used them to create an image in the style of Andy Goldsworthy.

The KS1 children have explore natural and man-made features of the village. We went on a short walk around the village to identify them. We made a list and took some photos.

To continue the work about Andy Goldsworthy, we explored using clay to create a 3D sculptures in his style. It was fun to create them.

We have been making 2D shapes using sticks and play dough. It was good fun.

What a fantastic performance of ‘The Dinky Donkeys’ from our Class 1 children. They were amazing and sang beautifully. Everyone who remembered their lines did a fantastic job. Well done.
