Welcome to Class 2
Spring Term 2025
Welcome back to the start of the spring term. We hope that you have all had an enjoyable Christmas and a relaxing break.
This term we will be learning about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.
Our essential question is – Were the Vikings Raiders or Settlers?
All PE this term will be on a Friday morning, which will include swimming. Please remember that for PE earrings are to be removed and hair is to be tied back.
Our weekly spelling test will now be on a Thursday however homework will still be given out on a Friday and is to be handed in on the following Wednesday or before.
Like last term, the spelling overviews will be given out at the start of each half term and can also be found below. We will check reading records on a Friday and give out house points if your child has read 4 or more times in a week. It is important that the children bring their reading book and record to school each day so that we can listen to them read.
Below you can find our curriculum overview of what we will be learning as well as the spelling overviews for each year group for the term.
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to ask.
Kind regards
Mrs Coupland, Miss Hailes and Mrs Robinson
Termly Overview
Spring Term 1 - Spelling Overviews
Spring Term 2 - Spelling Overviews
Anglo-Saxons and Vikings
Our essential questions is:
Were the Vikings Raiders or Settlers?
We have used pictures to discover the way of life of the Anglo-Saxons.
Tuesday 19th November - Home learning
Autumn Term 2024
Welcome to Class 2. We hope that you have all had a great summer and we look forward to hearing about it.
This term we will be learning about the Amazon rainforest.
Our essential question is – What would it be like to live in the Amazon rainforest?
PE this term will be on a Monday morning, however, please ensure that kits are in school all week in case we need to change this due to the weather. After October half term this will change to a Friday. Please remember that for PE earrings are to be removed and hair is to be tied back.
Homework will be given out on a Friday and is to be handed in on the following Wednesday or before and the weekly spelling test will be on a Friday. The spelling test will consist of 5 spellings linked to the spelling pattern which we will be learning in class. Spelling overviews will be given out at the start of each term and can also be found below. We will check reading records on a Friday and give out house points if your child has read 4 or more times in a week.
Below you can find our curriculum overview of what we will be learning as well as the spelling overviews for each year group for the term.
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to ask.
Kind regards
Mrs Coupland, Miss Hailes and Mrs Robinson
Termly overview
Autumn Term 1 - Spelling Overviews
Autumn Term 2 - Spelling Overviews
The Amazon Rainforest
Our essential question is: What would it be like to live in the Amazon Rainforest?
On Thursday, Class 2 took part in an amazing day at Priory Ruskin School with a cheerleading coach, along with several other schools. They learned loads of dance moves, designed their own chant and even took part in some stunts. Most importantly, they learned the value of great teamwork and communication! Well done team Denton!
Fun in the snow ❄️ ⛄️
Anti-Bullying Week 2024
We have been discussing what bullying is, the types of bullying and how we would respond. The children created freeze frames for 4 types of bullying - verbal, physical, cyber and indirect.
Yorkshire Wildlife Park
Class 2 had a super day at Yorkshire Wildlife Park looking at and learning about Amazonian animals and of course a few other animals as well. 😊
PE - Dodgeball
During our first lesson of dodgeball our objective was to develop accurate throwing skills.
The second lesson has been about developing the skills needed to avoid being hit by the ball by focusing on agility.
Our second piece of writing this term is to write a poem about rainforest animals using our senses.
The audience - To record and publish online for parents.
The purpose - To entertain the reader.
We have deconstructed a model text so that we understand what we need to include in our writing and created a boxed-up plan.
Follow this link to watch us perform our poetry.
Maths - addition and subtraction
We have been using concrete resources to support our learning of the formal written method for addition and subtraction.
We have been learning about Cyber bullying and the 5 types. The children worked together to sort scenarios into the 5 types.
World Mental Health Day
Maths - Place value
We have started our place value unit in maths learning how to represent and partition numbers up to 1000.
This term we are writing a new version of the Great Kapok Tree based on different animals.
The audience - A younger year group
The purpose - To entertain the reader.
We have deconstructed a model text so that we understand what we need to include in our writing and drawn the following story map to help us create a boxed-up plan.
Music- Clarinets
This year the children will be learning how to play the clarinet. They have had their first lesson where they have learnt about pitch, rhythm and pace. They have also learnt how to attach a reed and make a sound!
Well done to the Year 4s for supporting the Year 3s using all of your prior knowledge.
In PE, we have been developing our hockey skills, including sending and receiving with accuracy, dribbling and push passing.
This term we are learning all about Forces and Magnets. We have explored forces in terms of pushes and pulls, and we have been investigating the effect that friction can have on a moving object.
First day
We’ve had a lovely first day, setting our rules and expectations and writing a diary entry of a little boy who visited his grandpa.
Transition morning 2024
Class of 2024-2025
We have had a super morning getting to know each other and having fun writing a collaborative story by piecing together sentences.
Summer Term - 2024
This term we will be learning about the Ancient Egyptians.
Our essential question is - What were the greatest achievements of the Ancient Egyptians?
PE this term will be on a Monday morning, however please ensure that kits are in school all week in case of a timetable change. Please remember that for PE, earrings are to be removed and hair is to be tied back.
Homework will be given out on a Friday and is to be handed in on the following Wednesday or before and the weekly spelling test will be on a Friday. We will check reading records, give out house points if you have read 4 or more times in a week and change books on a Friday.
Please ensure that your child has a water bottle in school with them each day and now that we are in the summer term, it is advisable that your child keeps a sun hat and sun cream in school in their locker for the hot and sunny days that we have a head of us.
Below you can find our curriculum overview of what we will be learning, the spellings for the term and information for Year 4 parents regarding the Year 4 multiplication tables check.
Mrs Coupland, Miss Hailes and Mrs Robinson
Termly overview
Summer Term My Style Homework
Termly Overview
Summer Term 1 - Spelling Overviews
Summer Term 2 - Spelling Overviews
Year 4 multiplication tables check
The Ancient Egyptians
What were the greatest achievements of the Ancient Egyptians?
Rotary Stars
Today we had a visit from members of the Rotary Club who presented nominated children with a Rotary Star certificate and badge.
Religious Education experience
Harlaxton Primary School.
The children had a wonderful afternoon on Thursday with the St.Phillip's centre, they had the opportunity to learn more about world religion from local faith leaders. The children asked lots of insightful questions and enjoyed exploring the artefacts and clothing.
School Council fundraising day - Children take over!
Our school councillors have organised a super afternoon today. Each class voted for different activities that they would like to learn about. Each child was then given the opportunity to choose one of these activities for the afternoon. Each activity had a mixture of children from all year groups. We had a fantastic afternoon and very much enjoyed being joined by the parents at the end of the day.
Water Safety Week 2024
This week we have been learning how to keep safe around and in water. We ended the week with a visit Mr Pearson from the RNLI who explained to us how to be safe and have fun.
Sports Day 2024
Mental Health Awareness Week
We have been spending time considering how to move to improve our mood.
Together we can learn and encourage - helping each other with times tables.
Egyptian Day
The children really enjoyed our history day where they experienced the life of an ancient Egyptian. They made perfume out of herbs and wax, wrote their names in hieroglyphics, created amulets as well ending the day with a banquet whilst performing and listening to Egyptian stories.
To help us understand what life in Ancient Egypt was like, the children have been using pictures to devise statements and ask questions.
Roots to Food
We have had a great session with Darren from Roots to Food today. The children have learnt about nutrition, how to prepare food safely before cooking a wonderful meal called Singapore noodle.
At the start of the spring term Class 2 started to learn how to play the clarinet. They have worked very hard to learn this new skill. Today we held our first concert for our parents.
Please click this link to watch our performance.
We have been discussing how to keep our body healthy and in this lesson we have considered what is healthy and unhealthy for our heart.
This term the children are learning how to greet each other and ask answer questions such as where they live and how old they are.
Science (Summer Term 2024)
P.E - Summer Term 2024
Spring Term - 2024
This term we will be learning about Planet Earth and how the weather changes.
Our essential question is - How does the weather change?
PE this term will be on a Friday morning at the Meres Leisure Centre which will include swimming, however, please ensure that PE kits are in school all week. Please remember that for PE (including swimming) earrings are to be removed and hair is to be tied back.
Homework will be given out on a Friday and is to be handed in on the following Wednesday or before and the weekly spelling test will be on a Friday. We will check reading records, give out house points if you have read 4 or more times in a week on a Friday.
Below you can find our curriculum overview of what we will be learning as well as the spellings for the term.
Mrs Coupland, Miss Hailes and Mrs Robinson
Spring Term 2 Spelling Overviews
Spring Term 1 Spelling Overview
Termly overview
Spring My Style homework
Planet Earth
How does the weather change?
We have had a debate about whether it is fair to aim adverts specifically at children.
Please follow the link to watch what we discussed.
Easter service
Class 2 sang I like the Flower in today’s Easter Service.
Raising money for Comic Relief
Christian Partners in Africa
The children have come to school wearing something that is red, coloured Red Nose Day pictures and shared jokes.
Main outcome - To create a TV news broadcast - weather report
Audience - Parents, online through the class page
Purpose - To inform and educate viewers about a weather event
The children have planned and written transcripts for a news broadcast and have then filmed a selection of them for you to view.
Follow these links to the school video page to watch more examples.
Group 2 - https://denton-ce-school.primarysite.media/media/group-2-news-broadcast
Group 3 - https://denton-ce-school.primarysite.media/media/group-3-news-broadcast
Group 4 - https://denton-ce-school.primarysite.media/media/group-4-news-broadcast
Group 5 - https://denton-ce-school.primarysite.media/media/group-5-news-broadcast
My style homework
The children have been busy at home producing a project about the weather.
World Book Day 2024
Our theme for World Book Day this year was poetry. Each year group had a poem to learn and then throughout the day the children recited these and shared their favourite poems and poetry books.
Please follow the links to watch Class 2 perform.
Today we have taken part in an e-safety workshop about how to keep our identity safe online.
Children's Mental Health Week
5-11 February 2024
'My Voice Matters'
On Monday we discussed the importance of sharing our worries and feelings with people that we trust. We read and discussed the book 'Tough Guys (Have Feelings Too) by Keith Negley. We talked about the importance of listening to one another, and also about the joy of sharing in our own and other people's successes. We then shared the things that we are proud of - and there was a lot to share! Well done, Class 2.
These are some of the books that we are going to be reading in class this week.
We have been thinking of sentence starters to help us have a voice.
We are busy making daily maps and activity grids to help with our mental wellbeing.
Safer Internet Day 2024
Inspiring Change
This year we will be discussing how technology has the power to change all our lives.
We will talk about all the great ways technology is shaping the world we live in, whilst also sharing strategies on how children can stay safe in an ever changing online world.
We started off Safer Internet Day by watching a BBC Live lesson - we have learnt about AI technology and how to stay safe online in an AI world.
In PSHE we have discussed what a community is, which communities we belong to and how we show compassion. The children have linked this to the British Value of Mutual Respect and Tolerance.
The Protected Characteristics
These are a selection of books that we are reading to help us understand and hold discussions.
This term we are writing a newspaper report about a storm.
The audience - First News Readers.
The purpose - To inform and educate readers.
We have deconstructed a model text so that we understand what we need to include in our writing and drawn the following story map to help us create a boxed-up plan.
Times Table Rock Stars
We've got straight back to learning our times tables after the Christmas break.
In Art this term, the children have been exploring the work of David Hockney, particularly his famous 1973 'Weather Series'. We have been learning the skills involved in using graded pencils and charcoal, including shading, blending and highlighting. We will use these skills to create a picture of a tornado or storm. These are our brilliant first drafts!
This term the children will be learning how to play a new instrument - the clarinet. They have had their first lesson where they have learnt about pitch, rhythm and pace. They have also learnt how to attach a reed and make a sound!
Listen to us playing note e!
Active learning
Welcome to Autumn Term 2!
We will continue our learning about the Romans, including: the power of the Roman Army, the invasion(s) of Britain, the impact of the invasion on life in Britain at the time, and Roman mosaics in art.
The overview of all subjects can be found in the pdf document below.
In Autumn 2, PE will be on a Friday and will be held at the Meres Leisure Centre.
Don't forget that an extra housepoint can be earned every week by reading 4 or more times per week. Reading records will be checked on a Monday.
We can't wait to see you all and get learning!
Miss Hailes, Mrs Green and Mrs Robinson
Class 2 have taken part in some wonderful Christmas activities including carols in Belvoir castle, a wonderful church service and a Christmas lunch with the whole school served by staff. Thank you to the PTA for the generous gifts and crackers. We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year.
Class 2 have been learning to play the violin with our music teacher Miss Smith.
We also have a Violin Ensemble club after school on Wednesdays for pupils in Class 2 and 3.
In science we are learning about animals including humans. We have created different questions about the human body that we can investigate!
Class 2 have written their own playscripts based on a scene from the Roman myth Romulus and Remus.
Transitions 2022-23
Please see below the Transition Booklet with information about September for pupils and parents.
Leader in Me.
On a daily basis, the children try to demonstrate our core values within school. As we aim to practise them so often, they become good habits that we can use not only in school but also at home too.
Growth Mindset
This year we will be helping the children to develop a Growth Mindset. This aims to increase their resilience, perseverance and independence in their learning. Further information can be found by following the link below.
Maths guides for parents
Please find below parent ‘how to’ guides which provide information on how you can help your child understand certain mathematical topics.
If you follow this link you will be taken through to White Rose parents page called Maths with Michael. You will find short film clips to accompany the guides.
White Rose calculation policies which are inline with our teaching.
At Denton we use the White Rose Scheme of work to support our planning and teaching of Mastery Maths lesson.
Mastery Maths is broken it 5 elements - please see the diagram below.
White Rose launched home-learning resources during Covid, these can be found at the following link. These resources include film clips, questions and answers.
Top tips from White Rose for everyday maths at home.
I See Maths
Gareth Metcalfe also launched home learning lessons, where he built understanding in small steps. His website can be found at the following link.